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Catholic Salesian Life








Following the example of St John Bosco the purpose of our school is to respond to the needs of each individual child;

 We aim to help students to:

  • Develop lively, enquiring and creative minds, and the skills and abilities necessary to reach the highest personal and academic achievements.
  • Develop personal spiritual lives, an awareness of God, and a deepening understanding and appreciation of their religious faith.
  • Develop self esteem and to understand and live moral lives based on the Gospel values of love, peace, justice and personal responsibility.
  • Understand and respond to the needs of others; to respect other races, religions and ways of life.
  • Respond to the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life and the world of work, and appreciate human aspirations, achievements and interdependence.
  • Celebrate and enjoy experiences of achievement, success, friendship, happiness and shared endeavour.

Touching the heart and developing the whole personality by fostering qualities of mind, body and spirit, feeling and imagination in a supportive Catholic community.

We strive to achieve these aims for all our students.

We see this task as a shared endeavour, as a partnership between school, home and parish, working together to prepare our young people to enter the wider community, and to be a positive influence where they live and work.

Children need an orderly, settled and caring environment if they are to achieve their maximum potential; we insist on high standards of politeness, behaviour and appearance.

We believe these values represent the best of British values and they are a thread which runs through all our work at Thornleigh Salesian College.

To read more about the life and works of St John Bosco go to
For further information on the Catholic Church see:

Please click here to view our school newsletters.