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Frequently Asked Questions

What does the school's safeguarding policy include?

The school's safeguarding policy encompasses a wide range of measures designed to ensure the safety and well-being of all students. This includes procedures for identifying and responding to concerns about abuse and neglect, ensuring staff are adequately trained, vetting visitors, implementing safe online practices, and working with external agencies. The policy also outlines the responsibilities of staff and the steps for reporting and managing safeguarding issues.

How are staff trained in safeguarding?

All staff members receive comprehensive safeguarding training upon joining the school, which is regularly updated. This training covers recognising signs of abuse and neglect, understanding legal responsibilities, and knowing how to report concerns. Additionally, the school provides ongoing updates and refresher courses to ensure staff remain aware of the latest safeguarding practices and guidance.

What happens if a child discloses abuse?

If a child discloses abuse, the school follows a strict protocol to ensure the child's safety and well-being. This involves listening carefully and empathetically, not promising confidentiality, ensuring the child's immediate safety, and reporting the disclosure to the designated safeguarding lead (DSL). The DSL will then assess the situation and act appropriately, including contacting children's services or the police.

How does the school monitor and record concerns about child welfare?

The school uses a secure information system to monitor and record child welfare concerns. This system allows designated staff to access and update records as necessary, ensuring a comprehensive and coordinated approach to safeguarding. Regular reviews of these records help identify patterns or ongoing issues, facilitating timely and appropriate interventions.

How does the school collaborate with parents and external agencies in safeguarding matters?

Effective safeguarding requires collaboration between the school, parents, and external agencies. The school communicates regularly with parents about safeguarding policies and issues, ensuring transparency and partnership. When safeguarding concerns arise, the school may contact external agencies, such as child protective services, healthcare providers, or law enforcement, depending on the nature of the concern. The school works closely with these agencies to share information, participate in planning and support the child and family as needed.

Recent changes or additions to safeguarding policies

All the school policies and procedures have been updated to meet the requirements in the Keeping children safe in education 2023: Statutory guidance for schools and colleges document.