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Thornleigh Salesian College has a Salesian Priest as chaplain, Fr Saju John, who works with students and staff, celebrates Holy Mass, Sacraments and leads the spiritual animation of the school. The presence of other members of the Salesian community are a valuable feature of our school, adding vibrancy and colour as well as good relationships with the wider Catholic community and the Salesian world.

In addition to whole school occasions of prayer and reflection, all students have the opportunity to attend weekly masses and experience the Sacrament of Reconciliation throughout the year and pray collectively in small groups in either of our chapel or chaplaincy area. We have a strong focus, in the spirit of St John Bosco, that prayer does not stand alone in a child’s formative experience but is part of a wider supportive fabric of education, home life and the playground.

The space is a safe area for all the students and staff of the school. It reaches out to all students and staff with being kept open everyday of school and access this facility.
The Chaplaincy area is also a vibrant and popular social space in our school with students coming every break and lunchtime to play board games together with the Chaplain and other staff members of the Chaplaincy team and Re Department. This space is utilised for spiritual and wellbeing training throughout the day.

The Peace Garden is open to students for spending time in reflection. It is a newly redesigned space for the school and another way of being connected with nature. It is a development to create awareness and promote ‘Laudato si’ culture within the school community.

Sixth Form chaplaincy provision provides for regular assemblies in the chapel and the presence of chaplain one day a week in the Sixth Form. Chaplain attends weekly assembly with them and his presence builds that good relationship and connections. Cafod Young Leaders programme and other leadership opportunities are offered to the students.