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Vocation means to be called - We believe that every person in our community has been called to do good. Our students and staff are encouraged to be the person God has created them to be by listening to His word and participating in community focused action. For some of our students, God’s word and action may direct them to discern a vocation to the priesthood and religious life. As a Catholic Salesian College we encourage and support all students and staff on their vocational journey, whether that journey be as a priest, consecrated religious, a married person or a single person. We have a support network within our Salesian community through the Salesian priests and brothers who work and volunteer in our school. We also connect on a regular basis with the local clergy of the Diocese of Salford. Our aim as a Catholic Salesian community is to promote the call of God in the ordinary. 

Students and staff, who feel called to ministry within the Church can visit the Salesian Vocations website

or the Diocese of Salford website 

Students are also encouraged to speak to our Salesian Priests and Brothers (Fr Saju & Fr Steven).  

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