Remote Learning
Full Class or Bubble Provision
All students, in all year groups, will be provided with access to all of their regular curriculum. During each day of remote learning, students will follow their normal timetable and the usual timings of the school day. This will be done via Zoom.
The link for all Zoom lessons will be placed on Google Classroom. Additional resources such as class PowerPoints will be shared on Google Classroom. In some instances, it is more appropriate for work to be done only on Google Classroom, this will also be the case if the class teacher is absent from school.
Students should complete work in exercise books where possible and return these to school for marking on their return. Class teachers may also provide additional feedback live in the lesson, on Google Classroom or via submitted tasks such as quizzes.
Individual Student Provision
All students, in all year groups, will be provided with access to all of their regular curriculum. During each day of remote learning, students will follow their normal timetable and the usual timings of the school day. This will be done via Zoom.
The provision for students self-isolating individually or as a small cohort is to provide a link to all of their lessons as a ‘screen share’ only. Students will have the opportunity to have some interaction with their teacher at key points in the lesson but the classroom microphone will mainly be on mute. Additional resources will be shared on Google Classroom.
Students should complete work in exercise books and return these to school for marking on their return. Class teachers may also provide additional feedback live in the lesson, on Google Classroom or via submitted tasks such as quizzes. In the situation where a staff member is absent from school because they are self-isolating Zoom lessons may continue.
In the situation where a staff member is absent from school because they are sick then all work will be based on Google Classroom only.
Expectations of students during all Zoom sessions is similar to our usual expectations of you in all classes and you should:
• Attend every lesson on time
• Be prepared with pens, paper, calculator and exercise book.
• Be muted until your teacher invites you to speak.
• Turn your camera on
• Ensure you use your correct name
• Use a room that has a plain and appropriate background where possible
• Respect all participants
• Speak politely to all participants
• Not eat or drink during the lesson
• On use the 'chat' feature with the teacher to ask/answer questions
• Use 'raise your hand' feature if you want to ask a question verbally
• Dress appropriately (for example, no pyjamas or anything revealing)
• Use the hyperlink shared by your teacher on Google Classroom to join the session.
Please be patient when joining Zoom lessons as it may take up to 10 minutes for teachers to arrive, settle the class and login to Zoom.
Please click on the link below to find support on how to access Google Classroom, Zoom and other resources.