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CEIAG - Careers

SLT Careers Lead:

Ms S Reid
tel: 01204 301 351

Careers Advisors:

Caroline Seddon (Connexions)

Fiona Richardson (Connexions)

Careers Coordinators:

Mr G Gleeson

Mr J Manning

Curriculum Approach

Careers Education is part of the Curriculum for Life tutor time programme, taught across Years 7 to 13. It has been designed by the Careers team and supported and delivered by the form tutors. The programme is led by a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

Activities are designed to meet the needs of all learners, through the use of computer programmes, discussion and practical activities. There will be opportunities for individual and small group activities and research using ICT and other sources.

Different approaches are used depending on the cohort of students and the topic to be covered. For example, we use careers software, paper-based activities, discussions, role plays/mock interviews and multi-media resources.

Careers Events

We offer students a range of career events each academic year. As well as Careers Fair's and visiting speakers from higher education and the workplace, the following also takes place:

  • Year 9 Option Choices Support
  • Year 10 Work Experience Programme
  • Year 12 Work Experience Programme





Relationships with Parents

We recognise that parents have a major role to play in the area of careers, both in terms of encouraging and supporting their children and in supporting the school in its endeavours to promote a wide variety of careers information.

Our Careers team are present at Year 9 Options Evening and available to speak to parents on request.

How we measure and assess the impact of our Careers Programme

  • Destination measures
  • Employer feedback
  • Student feedback
  • Visiting partners
  • Work experience evaluation
  • External accreditation

The Quality in Careers Standard Award

What is the Quality in Careers Standard Award?

The Quality in Careers Standard is the single national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) in secondary schools, colleges and work-based learning.

All state-funded secondary schools, academies and further education colleges are “strongly recommended” by the Department for Education in its September 2022 updated Statutory Guidance to work towards, achieve, and maintain this national Standard as part of its ‘careers strategy’.

The Standard is fully aligned with the Gatsby Benchmarks for “Good Career Guidance” and complies with the DfE’s Statutory Guidance.

As England’s dedicated national quality award, the Quality in Careers Standard – through external assessment – uniquely accredits the four components of the CEIAG:

1. Careers Education

2. Careers Information

3. Careers Advice

4. Careers Guidance

We are proud to say that Thornleigh Salesian College has gained the Quality In Careers Standard Award.  This was renewed in March 2024.

Useful Websites:

Please view the links below to access information regarding supporting students / your child in Careers.

The National Careers Service

The National Careers service

The National Careers Service offers information and professional advice about education, training and work to adults and young people aged 13 years and over. Pupils and their parents can access support via a website, helpline and web chat


Film clips of hundreds of people telling you about how they got their jobs.


Government Apprenticeship Guide

Search and apply for apprenticeship opportunities.

Informed Choices

What you study at sixth form or college can affect your options at university and your future career.
Use Informed Choices to help you understand which subjects open up different degrees, particularly at Russell Group universities.



Please use the following links to see where you can access guidance for different opportunities as you consider your future career pathway.

Check out information around school including posters about open days, apprenticeship and other training opportunities.

Book an appointment with one of our Careers Advisors via your year team or contact Mr Gleeson who will be able to coordinate this.



Careers Champions

Each department is to have a nominated ‘Careers Champion’. This person will be a point of contact for students when considering how certain subjects are useful in certain careers. Careers Champions will also signpost students and staff to opportunities to highlight careers in the curriculum.


As a school we are keen to develop our links with employers on both a local and wider community level. Employers are a key component in our careers programme and the bespoke expertise, skills that they offer are essential for a high quality careers programme and will ensure that all our students can make informed choices concerning their potential pathway post school/college education.

Current work with employers:

We currently work with employers and providers who support us with our Year 8 Careers Fair, Work Experience placements in Year 10 supported by EBP (NW) Ltd and Year 12, assemblies and bespoke careers events.

Enterprise Coordinator

The school is delighted to announce that Anna Mitchell will be our new schools Enterprise Advisor. With a background in HR and a large network of employer contacts we look forward to Anna working with both our staff and students to enhance our careers programme

Employers who have recently supported us include:

  • Warburtons
  • BAE
  • Keogh Solicitors
  • National Westminster Bank
  • NHS
  • Mellors Catering
  • Bolton@Home
  • MBDA
  • Hare Ltd
  • Alliance Learning
  • The Skills Company
  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • Greater Manchester Police