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A Level Results 2023!

‘The students and staff at Thornleigh Sixth Form are celebrating a fantastic set of results this year.

We could not be any prouder of these young men and women. The staff in our school have been relentless in their pursuit of excellence for these students and the support that every individual has received has been absolutely first class. We are delighted that in a year when results have returned to pre-Covid levels that we are celebrating an increase in the highest grades that students have achieved.

We would like to extend our thanks and gratitude to all the parents, carers and families who have worked alongside us throughout the past two years and we wish every success for the future to all our students.’

Identical twins Shaniqua and Shakira Taylor have both studied Chemistry, Physics and Maths and with 5 grade A’s and an A* between them are both now off to Liverpool University to study Mechanical Engineering and Medicine respectively.

Max Lowe,pictured with Shaniqua and Shakira Taylor gained 3 A* and an A in Chemistry, Maths, Physics and Further Maths and is studying Mechanical Engineering at Imperial College London.

Celebrating success at Thornleigh Sixth Form.

Sofia Cardillo, Megan Greenhalgh & Niamh Haydock are all off to Liverpool University.