Lenten Service 2023
A happy and holy Easter from all at Thornleigh.
We celebrated the end of spring term and Lent in the whole school assembly this week.
Based on the reflections on the cross starting with Gavin Bryars recording from 1971, outside the Waterloo Tube Station, “Jesus’ Blood never failed me yet, Jesus’ blood never failed me yet, This one thing I know, for he loves me so…”
The homeless man singing this song in the recording set the tone as the service began.
Readers led us through a short review of the Salvation history and how Adam and Eve and the whole of the human race is saved with Jesus' blood. Moving from the tree of life in Genesis to the cross that becomes the tree of life and salvation for all.
Actors and narrators took us through the dream of three trees, realising their dreams had been turned to become the gifts of the Saviour - as the cradle of Jesus, as the boat on which Jesus and disciples travelled and the cross on which Jesus was crucified.
In concluding the story, the narrator told us, “The next time you feel down because you didn’t get what you want, sit tight and be happy because God is thinking of something better to give you.”
The choir and dancers led us through reflective hymns and ways of worshipping and praising God with their words and dance moves. Each of the services had a different priest share a thought or two with the group.
Service concluded with prayers and blessing, with the choir the final song, “For the beauty of the earth”.
A student led assembly of praise, reflection and worship. Everyone participated in it focusing on the Holy Week and Easter ahead of us.
Wishing everyone a Happy Easter and blessings of the Risen Lord.