Thornleigh Mission Week 2023

Growing Together in Christ's Love
A special week of growing together as a community in Christ's love. Experience that love of Christ through fun activities, learning, sharing, listening...
The week's journey begins on Monday with launch assemblies that will bring all the students together in the chapel with a prepared liturgical service.
In preparation for the week, students have built a willow tree, which is the central icon for this week.
Teams from Cafod, WISEUP, Circus Skills, Big Sing, Silent Disco, Mizen Foundation, and others will lead fun and learning throughout the week.
On Tuesday, the feast of St. John Bosco will be celebrated with the sixth form having a mental well being day, while the year 11s will be having activities in Trafford Center and the rest (Years 7 to 10) will be in school having home, school, playground, and church experiences with numerous activities with groups such as WISEUP Games, Circus Skills, Bosco Quiz, and Big Sing. We will have moments of feast day prayer to commemorate our patron and Saint, John Bosco during the day. The new movie, "Don Bosco - Magic Saint'' from the Salesians of Don Bosco will be premiered on the feast day in school.
On Friday the celebration assembly will have Margaret Mizen MBE as keynote speaker addressing all the students and concluding with exposition of the blessed sacrament and blessing from our newly ordained deacon Steven Lloyd SDB.
The goal for this week is to live the mission statement every day in school: Thornleigh Salesian College is a community rooted in faith in Jesus, where all are valued, loved and cherished so they can aspire for academic excellence in an atmosphere of compassion and forgiveness, which seeks to reach out in service and gratitude.
Mission week brings the entire community together, so please join us with our mission week prayer:
God, our Father,
you call us by your Spirit
to Grow Together in Christ’s love;
make us one in heart and mind,
generous in giving,
faithful in serving,
and bold in proclaiming joy and hope
in this Mission Week.
Follow all the activities on our social media pages.
Thank you for your support.