Thornleigh Salesian College Prospectus Thornleigh Salesian College places great emphasis on students developing the skills, qualities and attributes that allow them to take a full and active role in their communities and also to be successful in their adult lives. We also know that students who engage fully in activities beyond the classroom are happier and more successful in school. Throughout their school lives students have countless opportunities to take part in a wide range of sporting, musical, dramatic, leadership and social skills. Students are supported through a ‘Curriculum for Life’ programme that seeks to ensure all students are fully equipped for life in the world beyond school. Our Careers, Education, Information Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) Programme meets all the Gatsby Benchmarks and students are provided with impartial careers advice along with other opportunities to ensure they can make informed and ambitious decisions about their futures. Cultural Experiences, Trips and Educational Visits We have a proud tradition of offering a wide range of international opportunities to our students throughout their educational journey. There are trips to Germany, Spain, France and New York along with ski holidays and others. Trips and the opportunity to engage in a variety of cultural experiences that include visits to art galleries, museums, design challenges and STEAM projects enhance student’s cultural capital. Personal Development I’ve grown in confidence since working on the STEAM project and found I’m actually good at designing things. “ Year 8 Student Please click for Personal Development