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Equality objectives

To develop Equality at Thornleigh Salesian College, we have three objectives:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination and other conduct 
  • Advance equality of opportunity between diverse groups of people 
  • Develop positive relations between diverse groups of people 

Thornleigh Salesian College will annually review the objectives above. 

We aim to provide a high level of education for all students. The ethos of our School reflects our commitment to fully including and respecting all members of our school communities.

Following a Governor, Staff, and Teacher Inclusion morning, we have set ourselves the following aims for 2022/2023:

  • Develop reading for all students
  • Further, develop parental communication to ensure parents have the skills        necessary to support their students on their journey through Thornleigh Salesian School.
  • Use student voice further to improve staff and student understanding around Inclusive topics.

We consult those affected by inequality in the decisions the College takes to promote equality and eliminate discrimination regularly. Students are given the opportunity via ‘Student Voice’ to raise concerns and have their say. 

Please view our policy below: